Holidays are better than sex – Study


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File photo: Beach

Sex may be one of life’s great pleasures, but apparently it has none of the thrills of packing a bag and heading off on holiday.

A new survey of Australian men and women has found that if given the choice, we’d much rather holiday than have sex.

Travel platform surveyed 1000 Aussies about what activity got them most excited.

Holidays came out on top (57 percent), followed by a romp in the hay (25 percent), exercising (7 percent) and a big night out (6 percent).

Aussie women, in particular, would rather trade a night of passion to go on a trip. The survey found 69 percent of women preferred sex to holidays, compared with 45 percent of men.

Interest in holidays seemed to be higher among Aussies aged 55 and over (64 percent), compared to those aged 18 to 24 (46 percent).

The age group that seemed most interested in sex was those aged 45 to 54 (30 percent), compared to people aged 18 to 24 (20 percent), which means there’s plenty of hope for many of us yet.

And the state that seemed to be the most interested in the prospect of sex was South Australia (28 percent), followed by Queensland and Western Australia at 27 percent, NSW at 23 percent and Victoria at 21 percent.



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