Infographics: Akufo-Addo’s address on the easing of restrictions


President Nana Akufo-Addo

President Akufo-Addo has announced the commencement of religious activities from June 5.

This, the President said is the beginning of stage one of the process of easing restrictions as it fights the coronavirus pandemic.

“An abridged format for religious services can commence. Twenty-five per cent attendance, with a maximum number of 100 congregants, can worship at a time in church or at the mosque, with a mandatory one metre rule of social distancing between congregants,” Akufo-Addo said in his 10th address to the nation on Sunday, May 31.

Check out the Infographics below:

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 2 As at today, Sunday, 31st May, under these measures, we have conducted: measu 218,425 tests; 8,070 positive cases 2,947 recoveries 36 deaths 13 persons are severely ill, with 3 critically-ill for which is on na ventilator; 5,087 to treatment home, isolation centres and hospitals'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION 3 UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS Our hospitalisation and death rates have been, per- sistently, very low, some of the lowest in Africa and in the world. The Ghanaian people are not arenot dying the virus in the hundreds and thousands that were earlier anticipated, and that are being seen on daily basis in some other countries.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 4 We are witnessing a much milder manifestation of the virus in the country, than was initially feared. And, dare say, that is grace God, and taken by Government that have produced result. Our ability trace, test, and treat persons with the virus has considerably; now have large army of efficient contact tracers; we have expanded number testing facilities from to 10 across the country; and have appreciably number of quarantine, isolation and treatment centres.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 5 We have lessened our dependence on foreign imports, and scaled significantly domestic production and distribution of personal protective equipment to our healthcare workers, evidenced in the provision of: -4,440,690 gloves; 85,995 head covers; -3,524,205 nose masks; 82,655 gowns; 62,194 goggles; -53,517 medical scrubs; and 109,829 litres sanitizers; -43,63 N-95 face masks.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 8 With effect from Friday, 5th June, we will begin Stage One of the process of easing restrictions. abridged format religious services can commence. Twenty-five percent (25%) attendance, with a maximum number of one hundred (100) congregants, can worship at time in church or at the mosque, with mandatory one one metre rule of social distancing between congregants.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 9 In addition to the mandatory wearing of masks for all persons at all times in churches and mosques, register of names and contact details of all worshippers and hand washing facilities and sanitisers must must be provided, with with maxi- mum duration of one (1) hour for each service.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 10 Religious institutions that are desirous of opening their premises to their their members, such as churches, mosques and others, must disinfect, fumigate and put in place the requisite logistics needed to guar- antee safe safe opening and operation. They must work with the designated, egulatory bodies and undertake test runs of the protocols have outlined.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 12 The Minister for Religious Affairs, will, tomorrow, Monday, 1st June, outline, detail, the specific guide- lines for the safe reopening our churches and mosques. From Monday, June, 2020, the decision has been taken, after engagement the Teacher Unions, whose operation salute, to -open schools and universities allow for final year junior high, senior high university students to resume classes ahead of the conduct of their respective exit examinations.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 14 All final year students educational and training institu- tions, which are being managed by Ministries other than the Education Ministry, to return to school on 15th 15th June to complete their exit examinations. Again, prior the opening of schools and universities, Ministry Education, and the heads of public and private ucational institutions will fumigate and disinfect their institutions.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 16 Private burials, now with maximum of one hundred (100) persons, continue to be performed. Restaurants, providing seated services, operate under appropriate social distancing arrangements and hygiene protocols. Individual, non-contact sports can go ahead. Conferences, workshops, weddings, and political activities, except rallies, can now take place, but with limited numbers not exceed- ing one hundred (100) persons present with the appropri- ate social distancing and hygiene protocols.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 17 Market places, work places, public transport, and constitutional and statutory bodies such as the Electoral Commission, the National Commission for Civic Education and the National Identification Au- thority, whose activities were from the outset from these restrictions, must conduct their activities in accordance with social distancing and the necessary hygiene and safety protocols.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 18 Whilst we step up public education of the protocols on public gatherings, me also state that regulatory agencies undertake random checks ensure conformity with these rules, and the security services will be tasked enforce them. Should institution to adhere these directives, its activity will be immediately prohibited, and relevant sanctions applied.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 19 I have, by Executive Instrument, provided for these new directions, and extended the suspension the remaining public gatherings, set out E.I. of 15th March, until 31stJuly. here, refer to suspen- sion of sporting events, cinemas, drinking spots, bars, beaches, festivals funerals, political rallies, and large religious gatherings such crusades, pilgrimages and conventions.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 20 Our border, by air, land and sea, remains closed until further notice for human traffic. However, given that there Ghana Ghana residents stranded abroad, special ispensation is going tobe be given for their evacuatio acuation back to Ghana, where they will be subjected to the mandatory quarantine and safety protocols.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 23 In the Ghanaian context, has been established that the cases of comorbidity, i.e. nderlying health conditions that are associated with almost all the COVID-related deaths, are mainly diabetes and hypertension.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 24 The risk factors for these diseases are being overweight, eating refined foods, too much sugar meals, in- adequate physical exercise, excessive alcohol intake, and smoking. is, thus, crucial that we improve our fitness levels, and adopt healthy eating practices that incorporate our local food stuffs which boost immune systems. Persons with these diseases must take extra precautions, and take their treatment seriously.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'ADDRESS TO THE NATION UPDATE No.10: MEASURES TAKEN AGAINST SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS 26 learnt learnt many lessons this pandemic. The most obvious that we have to fortify urgently public health system. We have committed to the implementation Agenda 88' building, within a year, ful- ly-equipped, functional district hospital district that does not have one, and fully-equipped, functional regional hospital for each the new regions, together with new regional hospital for the Western Region, and rehabilitation of Effia Nkwanta Hospital in Sekondi.'
Image may contain: 1 person, text


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