5 things you should do when you start a new relationship


File photo: Couple

1. Here’s how you can start a relationship on a good note

A perfect relationship doesn’t happen overnight. It takes
the right amount of patience, courage and, of course, love to build a
relationship that lasts long. No amount of to-do-lists can match the
understanding that both the partners share. Sometimes, things, like selecting
the right pick-up line or buying the right outfit for the dinner date, might
keep the partners too occupied to focus on the real things. While we might have
read a lot about what couples should avoid when they are in a relationship but
rarely do we come across a list of things that should be done to keep a new
relationship on the right track, isn’t it? Fear not! If you have just started
being in a relationship but are clueless about the things you should do to make
the relationship better, here’s a little help.

2. Let bygones be bygones

Before you start any new relationship it is better to detox
yourself. Yes, you read it right! You need to detox your emotions to get rid of
toxic thoughts about what has happened in your last relationship because it is
unfair to your partner if you are still stuck in the past. Any kind of
emotional or mental baggage needs to be left in the past. If you want your love
life to shine bright then you must start with a clean slate.

3. ​Introduce your friends

We are social animals, right? And friends are the family we
choose. Therefore it’s very important to meet your partner’s friends or
introduce him to your friends. Knowing each other’s friends is a great way of
making both worlds meet and thereby form a strong social bonding with people
who you and your partner better. Also, studies have shown that having common
friends is a great way for couples to make their relationship stronger.

4. Set achievable goals

We all have some expectations from a partner and the
relationship and there is no harm in admitting so. But having the wrong expectations
can be a deal-breaker. it is advisable to not picture yourself as the “utopian
couple”. You need to drop the idea of an ideal relationship and work on the
realities of life. There will be arguments, romance, and sacrifices in an ideal
relationship. If you want your relationship to work then you need to work on
the foundation of your relationship by not setting unrealistic expectations.

5. Leave your ex alone

You don’t need an expert’s advice on this but if you
constantly stalk your ex or keep referring to him during your conversation with
your current partner, it can spell doom for your relationship. If you want your
relationship to last long then get over your ex-lover. Comparing your
ex-boyfriend with your current partner can be a disappointing and toxic
situation for both.

6. Accept your partner the way he or she is

Terms and conditions are acceptable when you are signing a
contract. But a relationship is based on an understanding (not conditions!)
between two people. Trying to transform your partner as per your needs is like
custom ordering a piece of apparel! For instance, trying to change his eating
habits or transforming his taste in music is a big no-no. Similarly, for a long
term relationship, it is not fair to keep your partner in dark. Being your most
authentic self will help you maintain the right kind of transparency. For
example, if you have trust issues or are too aggressive when you are angry, let
your partner know about it.


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