Amidu wants Nana Konadu to rejoin NDC


Former Special Prosecutor and Anti Corruption crusader Martin Amidu has asked the current leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to engage the wife of the late former President and founder of the NDC Jerry John Rawlings.

According to him, it’s about time persons like the wife of the founder and other aggrieved cadres of the party are brought into the fold and engaged for the growth of the Political party which was built out of their sweat.

Martin Amidu believes that regardless of the fallout in Sunyani, Mrs Rawlings needs to be engaged.

In a memorial written to mark one year after the death of the former President Martin Amidu said “The tremendous contribution of his dear wife, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, including the late Mr. Justice D. F. Annan and others, to the sustenance of the 31st December Revolution and his two Governments under the Constitution deserves to be known and appreciated at the appropriate time of his remembrance. His dear wife, needs to be engaged notwithstanding the needless fall outs from Sunyani in July 2011 and after, whatever the cost”.

Adding that “All antagonized cadres who remained with the leader till his demise must be engaged and reconciled. Former PNDC Members, Secretaries of State, Ministers of State, Members of Parliament, and other antagonized operatives must also be engaged, and common ground jointly found for a united way forward instead of playing into the hands of the surveillance capitalism of today’s Ghana”.

Martin Amidu reminded members of the NDC who believe in the ideals of the late former President to practice it to the latter.

“On this occasion of remembering our dear Great Leader, Jerry John Rawlings, let all who genuinely profess to share the President Emeritus’ ideas and political direction remember that the polarization which this nation has suffered for the past years has translated into a further attempt to divide the Rawlings’ heritage for electoral purposes. This has been enabled by the monetization of politics which President Rawlings decried during his life and which this country has never seen before in its history.”

“Jerry John Rawling will forever live on only when those of us holding ourselves out as his former comrades, friends, and colleagues put our differences aside for the sake of uniting in his memory to carry high the torch he lit on 15th May 1979, 4th June 1979, 31st December 1981, and 7th January 1993. This must be a total commitment without hypocrisy or double agency. In unity and strength, the light of the 31st December Revolution and the 1992 Constitution bequeathed to Ghana by President Rawlings will continue to shine and lift high the Black Star of Ghana and Africa. President Rawlings in his lifetime always put Ghana First in actions and deeds, and Ghana can only succeed when comrades, colleagues, friends, and supporters continue in his stride to always put Ghana First. Jerry John Rawlings lives on!” he added.


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