You are lying to yourself if you say that you haven’t been down about something in your life at least once in your life. It’s okay. That’s how life is supposed to be. There will be ups and there will be downs. Every time something goes not the way you expect them to be, the key to combat that is to pick yourself up and get on with life. However, if you don’t seem to recover within a few days then that means you are suffering from depression. Listed are 10 signs that show you are going through depression.
8. Feeling of hopelessness
The constant feeling of hopelessness is like a sure way of saying that you are suffering from depression. How do you recognize this sense of hopelessness? Well, for starters, if you feel alienated from the society and don’t feel deserving of anything then that’s a sure sign of hopelessness. If you always feeling negative about something and don’t seem to have room for optimism then that’s another sign of hopelessness. Lastly, if you don’t feel like you are in control of your own life and actions then you are feeling hopeless.
7. Fatigue

This is basically a combination of mental and physical weariness. There is a sense of tiredness that does not seem to go away no matter how much you sleep. This particular form of depression can be caused due to a lifestyle routine, like not eating properly, substance abuse or even lack of physical activity.
6. Irritation

A lot of time we tend to become annoyed at the slightest of things. If there is a window open we tend to yell why it is open. Or if somebody asks for the time we become irritated. All these are because of depression. Quite often, when things don’t go our way, we become frustrated and take out our frustration on others. If such a case occurs, then maybe you should calm yourself down and find out what causing this burden on you rather than taking it out on somebody else.
5. Trouble Concentrating

When you are depressed there is something on your mind that is constantly keeping you think about it. As a result, you can’t seem to concentrate on what’s important like your work, studies or even giving proper time to people you care about. This is a sure way of knowing that you are under depression and need to find a solution soon.
4. Sleeping Disorders

A well-known symptom of depression is the desire to sleep more and the inability to sleep at all. When there is a lot on your plate and you can’t seem to deal with it, you will always retreat to the luxury of sleeping it off. In a way, it is like running away from your problems. Similarly, when you can’t sleep on time or can’t seem to get a few decent hours of shut eye, it means there is something on the back of your head that is sapping up all the energy and not letting you sleep.
3. Aches and pain

Depression is such a foul thing that it even disrupts the flow of blood and energy to the body. If you regularly feel that you are waking up with aches and pains on your neck and head then that means you are suffering from depression. The neck and head are the parts where the central nervous system is located, so having pain there means you are worrying too much about a certain issue.
2. Lack of sex drive

A lot of workaholics can back this statement up. A good sex drive is a sign of a healthy mind and body. If you have too much to worry about and your focus is elsewhere then you lose your sex drive. It also makes you feel somewhat unattractive and unworthy of somebody else’s affection. If your partner is having low sex drive ask him or her if they are under depression or not.
1. Eating Disorder

Once again, eating too much or too little are both signs of depression. Sometimes when under pressure you lose your appetite and don’t find pleasure from activities like eating. Similarly, you will find too much comfort in food when under duress and that can be a bad thing for your body.