‘Mum found out about my secret career when she opened my post – all hell broke loose’


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A Christian OnlyFans model says “all hell broke loose” in her life when her mum opened her post and discovered her secret career.

Addison Sins, from Texas, was 19 when she moved out of her parents’ home and started working in the adult film industry.

She managed to keep it a secret from her family for a few months, but when she accidentally ordered a copy of the magazine in which she’d posed naked to her mum and dad’s house, trouble was afoot.

“I’d just landed my very first magazine cover and was so excited I accidentally gave my parents’ address so they could send me a copy,” Addison explains.

“My mum opened the envelope and was greeted with a photo of my very naked body on the cover showing absolutely everything. All hell broke loose.”

Addison says her mum and dad, who are very religious, struggled to come to terms with her job.

She said: “I had a very sheltered upbringing in a small town called Celina – with a very religious community.

“We went to church every Sunday and Wednesday, with family dinners every night. I wasn’t allowed a cell phone, makeup and couldn’t leave for the city with friends.”

When she was a teenager, Addison snuck out of the house to go drinking with friends – which she reckons fuelled her desire to get out of her town.

Shortly after joining the adult film industry, people in her religious community found out about her double life and started gossiping about her on social media.

Not long after, the model claims she was outed to her church – who she says “cast her out”.

Addison, who shares content with her 41,800 Instagram followers (@addisonxsins) said: “I was pulled aside and made aware that they knew my lifestyle, and was told to please not come back.

“I felt completely betrayed. Somewhere I thought I’d be included no matter what had been ripped away from me. I felt cancelled.

“Even friends cut me off, I think after being told by their parents that they couldn’t hang out with me anymore.

“Things were quite rocky with my family for a few years after that and we had a very strained relationship.”

When lockdown hit, Addison moved from the adult film industry to OnlyFans. She used her money to move to a farm in the countryside.

She said: “Things are okay with my parents now, my mum knows about my online career but my dad doesn’t.

“I love it out here [on the farm], it’s so quiet and being surrounded by nature and the animals is incredible.

“Although I have a housemate, the grounds are so big we never bump into each other and I walk around naked as much as possible.

“Being naked is the best thing.

“I feed the chickens and turkeys, collect their eggs and clean out their hutches all in the nude – except for wellies and gloves, obviously.”

She’s still on the hunt for a new church to join, but wants one that won’t be as “closed minded” as her previous church.


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