Movie lovers hail first edition of Elivento’s ‘Street Cinema’


of Wednesday, 13 October 2021



Elivento’s first edition of “Street Cinema” came off on Sunday, October 10, 2021Elivento’s first edition of “Street Cinema” came off on Sunday, October 10, 2021

Patrons who defied the rains on Sunday, October 10, 2021, to attend Elivento’s first edition of “Street Cinema” at the Zylofon Media Complex, have expressed satisfaction and hailed the initiative.

The showers of rain in the late hours of Sunday, October 10, calmed the weather and set the tone for a quiet and relaxed atmosphere for movie lovers, who eagerly thronged the premises of Zylofon Media Complex located at serene East Legon.

The premiere of the movie “Ogbozo” produced by the award-winning film production house, Destiny Films, proceeded by a luxury red carpet event to give VIP treatment to patrons as a way of ushering them unto the venue, while picking their impressions on the event.

Manager of Elivento Victor Wellrich described the night succinctly in these words “The night was thrilling and the experience was magical”.

The event saw movie lovers munching on Popcorn while watching the movies. Others who also opted for Pizza and Fries, by kind courtesy of Pizza Inn and Chicken Inn Restaurant, got their tastes satisfied.

Present to witness the experience at first hand was Kofas, another award-winning film producer. He was amazed by the turnout and the state-of-the-art setup for the night hence commended the organizers.

Ghana TikTok house members lead by TikTok star, Gibby, did not miss out on the experience as he was seen beaming with smiles and elation throughout the night. He however pledged his support to ensure the success of the initiative in his small way.

“The purpose for which this event was put together has been achieved and it is amazing. We promised movie lovers will have a different feel of how movies are shown in Ghana, and we did that leaving memories and satisfaction in their hearts”, the manager of Elivento told

The “Street Cinema” has come to stay and that fans should expect the next showing in the coming weeks, he assured.


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