Google honors Shakespearean actress Helena Modrzejewska with Doodle


Oct. 12 (UPI) — Google on Tuesday celebrated Shakespearean stage actress Helena Modrzejewska on what would have been her 181st birthday, with a new Doodle.

Google’s homepage featured artwork of Modrzejewska performing onstage.

Modrzejewska was born Jadwiga Benda on Oct. 12, 1840, in Krakow, Poland. She was renamed Helena Opid and used Modrzejewska as her stage name when she made her theatrical debut in 1861.

Modrzejewska made her debut in the United States in 1877 and took on Shakespearean roles throughout the country.

She had a heavy touring schedule and sometimes worked as the director, producer, costume designer and publicist.

The actress had close to 300 different roles across 6,000 plays that were performed in Polish and English. Modrzejewska portrayed Lady Macbeth 520 times, making it her longest-lasting role.


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