‘Now I Am Poor, But I Will Not Sleep With People’s Husband Again’ – Born-Again Moesha Boduong Vows


Ghanaian actress and former slay queen Moesha Bodoung has opened up on her new life after giving her life to Christ.

In an audio recording that captures the conversation she had with music executive, Ayisha Modi who has been defending her since her breakdown, Moesha said that she is broke now but she is unperturbed by it because she has found happiness in Christ.

She advised Ayisha Modi not to be fighting people because of her but she should speak calmly and address issues from a place of relaxation because she is a good person but the way she addresses issues puts her out in a different way.

Moesha Boduong vowed not to sleep with people’s husbands again because she is now a proud born again Chrisitan and her body is the temple of God.

Read the transcribed audio below:

“Ayisha, pray for me. I am here, and they are praying for me. But I am craving chicken and sausage. And tomorrow I want goat meat. Ayisha, God said I should tell you that you are pampering me too much. Keep pampering me, okay. When I get the money, I will buy a biscuit and Fanta for you, okay. Now, I am poor. I don’t have money, but I will get money soon. When I step out, I will do God’s work. You would follow me, won’t you, Ayisha?

“Aiysha, thank you so much. I wanted to make you laugh. I know you’ve been praying for me. God should give you wisdom, knowledge and a discerning spirit. Solomon asked God for wisdom. You have a hardened heart. Relax, calm down. Do you know why you are aggressive? It’s because you love everybody the same way. So when you don’t expect them to do things the way they do. Then it hurts you but take your time.

“See, when you were bringing Daddy into my life, you and I even fought over him. Rember, I said no, no, no. You didn’t take your time. You should have taken your time to explain to me. When you are advising me, please take your time. I want your advice but take your time.

“Tell them I have spoken to Moesha, and she is fine. When people talk about me, don’t scold them. Just tell them that you leave it to God. She is my daughter, and God has saved her. Henceforth stop talking about my daughter. She will come out soon to do God’s work. When she comes, I will join her to share the gospel. Stop worrying my daughter. God wants to use her for God’s work. Tell them that when Moesha comes, she won’t go straight into hard-core ministry. She would start gradually.

“Now I am a born again Christian… I will go to church and do good. I won’t wear mini-skirts again. I won’t sleep with people’s husbands again. Now my body is the temple of the lord. I won’t give it to anyone again… If they insult me, let them. We will pray for them…Ayisha, I love you soo much. I cant wait to see you and hug you.

Watch the video below;



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