We’ll campaign against you if you run for Bolga East seat – Samson Lardi warned


Private legal practitioner and journalist Samson Lardi AyeniniPrivate legal practitioner and journalist Samson Lardi Ayenini

Private legal practitioner and journalist Samson Lardi Ayenini has been cautioned not to consider running for the Bolgatanga East constituency in the Upper East Region.

Bolgatanga-based Dreamz FM reports that a journalist with Word FM at Zuarungu, Agana Blessing Simon has vowed to campaign vigorously against Sampson Lardi Ayenini if he ever declares interest in the seat.

According to the report, Agana Blessing is of the view that Sampson Lardi has not been a champion for development in the district.

He is reported to have said that Samson Lardi has not used his platform to advocate for developmental projects in the district.

His comments come on the back of a disclosure by Samson Lardi that there have been advances from both the National Democratic Congress and New Patriotic Party for him to contest for the seat.

Samson said, “I get people calling me often from home and it is that they need me to come and contest elections and it’s been that for so many years.

“In fact, at the political leadership; at the level of both parties, I have had approaches made to me that look; we think you are a worthy ambassador of the region where you come from, so we could help you to go and get a seat and I tell them I can serve my people and serve my country without getting into partisan politics,” he said on A1 Radio.

But Agana Blessing has maintained that irrespective of the party Samson Lardi represents, he will lead a campaign for his rejection.

“As to whether NPP or NDC is asking to you contest, that is not our concern. We are waiting, not for you alone but for all your colleagues who are sitting in Accra and they think that they can just show up one day and seek to be MPs here, we will carry out fierce and serious campaign here against them. We will make sure they lose abysmally. You think we are animals?” he stated.

“I hope Samson went home and I’m sure he used the road to his house. He should ask himself whether with the platform he has gotten, has he sat on it to talk about that road? He should think about that before telling us that people are approaching him to come. That is not a big deal because even Alpha Conde says that it is women who approached him to contest that why is he changed the constitution. So that one is not a big deal,” he said.

Meanwhile, the constituency is currently represented in Parliament by former Deputy Attorney General Dr. Dominic Ayine on the ticket of the NDC.


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