Lamentations Of A Man Of God


Rt. Rev Prof Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante

When the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, the Rt. Rev Prof Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante finds himself at the receiving end of the acerbic tongues of some politicians he should not worry.

He should remember how great men and women who led the charge to change the world endured similar or worst attacks from evil persons.

The Man of God can best lecture us on the travails of Martin Luther, John Wycliff and others who stood up in the face of assortment of odds to bring about the landmark changes in the affairs of the church and indeed the world at large.

While many of our wise men and women are silent as mischief-makers spew mendacious remarks about good men and women, a few like the Man of God under review, have raised their heads above the parapet and calling their bluff.

We have not lost sight of the difficulties many are having in responding to the cacophony from a section of the country about a so-called #Fixthecountry, agenda.

Such persons dread the insults that they would be subjected to by irresponsible persons whose occupation is doing the bidding of equally bad politicians hiding in their houses and party offices.

What better way can they be responded to than the Rev. Prof’s words ‘one thing I don’t want to happen is for the young men and women in  this country, and you can kill me for this, to sit down thinking that there is a party somewhere coming to fix things. It is no true! It is a big lie! We must fix our environment wherever we are. We should get some job doing. Get something to do.’

They fold their arms as the gutters of their neighbourhoods are deliberately choked with domestic waste and expect representatives of officialdom to come and clear the mess so created.

They fold their arms as expensive railway infrastructure is being vandalized by scrap dealers. All they are good at doing is seeking to foolishly incite Ghanaians against the good-intentioned agenda of the government to alter the fortunes of the country.

Such ‘witches’ and ‘wizards’ should be ignored by those who have set for themselves the task of fixing for the country the undone assignments of others when they were at the helm.

They want to return and do what they could not do for the many years they were in charge of the country’s kitty. Unfortunately they cannot do what they could not do, never. So says the Man of God and we agree with him.

No political party, no matter the high decibel of their propaganda can fix the country when we the citizenry go to work late and close early, take bribe and turn our attention from our terms of reference. They refuse to pay their taxes to the state but are the noisiest of the lot about so-called unfixed tasks.

Let them shut up or put up as the task of fixing the country continues in earnest in spite of their sabotage.


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