NPA Team Visits TLOC –


The NPA Chief and his team being taken round the plant by the Managing Director, Amos Donkoh

The Chief Executive Officer of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA), Dr. Mustapha Hamid, last Monday led a team from his outfit on a tour of the Tema Lube Oil Company Limited (TLOC).

The visit, as the CEO said, was to offer him the opportunity to learn about the operations of organisations engaged in the petrol industry.

“I am here to engage in a conversation with you so that I would learn about your operations,” he disclosed.

He assured the TLOC of ensuring that the appropriate steps are taken towards the efficient and productive operation of the company.

After a tour of the various departments of the company such as the drum-making section, filling section and the quality control section, Dr. Mustapha Hamid told the management of the company, “I am impressed.”

The visit to a downstream player in the petroleum industry, a representative of the TLOC board told the visitors, was a welcome one. It afforded the company an opportunity to engage the NPA as a regulatory body on challenges being encountered by the company. “Indeed it is a visit we have longed for,” the representative stated.

The MD, as part of the engagement, made a presentation to the NPA guests on the operation of the TLOC.

The NPA CEO since assuming office has undertaken visits to agencies in the petroleum chain, upstream and downstream.

The TLOC is the sole and leading blender of quality lubricants for the major Oil Marketing Companies in the country.




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