Young man bore after lady she invited on a date showed up with her friends to eat pizza & increase his bills [Video] » ™


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The facial expression of a young man when he realized a lady he had invited on a date came with her friends to bill him told a sad story of misery.

Apparently, this guy had ordered pizza and was waiting patiently for the lady to show up so they could chitchat while they took some bites.

Also, he had budgeted what to spend on when the lady comes around since he was really interested in this lady and wanted to make a great first impression.

No sooner had he sat down to wait than the lady emerged with her friends. Immediately, they started munching the pizza like hungry dogs.

At that moment, the guy knew he had bitten more than he could chew. Meanwhile, he could not muster the courage to tell them to leave the table or stop making fresh orders to inflate his bills.

He allowed the maturity in him to take control while he was “bleeding” inside. With his anger boiling to a point of explosion, this young guy was disinterested in the date…preoccupied with how to foot his bills.

What would you have done in such a situation?

Check Out Video Below:

In a related piece of news, a lady has shared a video to caution fellow women to hustle for their money to avoid being sexually exploited by men. 

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