GIZ Trains SMEs On Financial Discipline


Participants at the workshop

GIZ’S REGIONAL Programme Support of Reform Partnership is organising training workshops for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) on ‘Financial Discipline and Business Integrity’ in some four selected regions of Ghana.

The first edition of the workshop started in the Northern Region and will continue in the Western, Eastern, and Bono East Regions.

The SME entrepreneurs are being trained on Formalisation of Business, Business Integrity, and Financial Discipline.

The programme is essential for SMEs to expand their operations to meet the unlimited trade market and opportunities which come with the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). It will also help to learn first-hand the areas of need for SME entrepreneurs.

Technical Advisor, Regional Programme Support for Reform Partnership, Donald Manlenze Eshun, said “This initiative is strategic and timely, looking at the opportunities and interventions currently available to SMEs. We must empower these SMEs to formalise their business operations to aid them to scale up to better serve their markets. The initiative in the long-term will also helpwith the provision of technical support and increase access to finance for the various businesses.”

On other available opportunities, he said “This workshop also provides participants with the opportunity to take advantage of the AfCFTA and other investment opportunities, and trade across borders.”

On safety and Covid-19 protocols put in place, he mentioned that “We reduced the numbers to 50 participants per session to better help us manage participants and to also enforce strict adherence to the laid down protocols. As you can see, all the safety procedures are in place and being adhered to. In total, we will train 100 participants per region.”

“We have learned first-hand the need areas for SME entrepreneurs through a preliminary business climate assessment, and we are confident our course models are exhaustive and will help them do business the right way. Building integrity in business, retaining customers as well as being in good standing with the regulatory authorities through business formalization and operating within the laws help SMEs to qualify for diverse opportunities in scaling up. We have assembled knowledgeable resource persons and facilitators who are delivering value,” said Matthew Ansah, Lead Consultant for Lyme Haus Solutions, organisers of the workshops.



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