5 types of relationships that hardly work out


Couples fight
Couples fight

Some of us have probably been in relationships that have gone from snooze-fest to drama-overload and back again.

From relationships that are so incredibly boring that they make us want to poke our eyes out, to ones that feel like a never-ending roller coaster ride – if you’ve dated more than one person, the experience has likely been a little bit different each time.

Although each relationship is different, here are a few common types that we’ve all probably experienced at least once in our dating careers.

  • The long-distance romance

Maybe you went to school a few hours apart or you met while travelling, fell in love, and have been trying to make it work ever since now that you’re back on opposite corners of the globe. Either way, most of us have been in a long-distance relationship at some point. Long-distance isn’t all bad. However, it can also be heartbreaking, and unless one of you is willing to leap to close the distance, it’ll likely end.

  • The guy that your friends and family hate

Perhaps this guy is your small town’s local weed dealer or maybe he’s just rude to everyone in your life – or both (true story). However you slice it, everyone in your life seems to hate this guy, and for good reason. He’s kind of bad news. However, being around him is exciting and you love that thing he does with his tongue. This relationship will eventually go up in flames.

You end up dating this person immediately after your breakup because they are the complete opposite of your ex. Although the old saying “opposites attract” can sometimes turn into a happy ending, this is not one of these stories. You quickly get swept off your feet, only to come crashing down a few weeks (or months) later when you realise that this relationship will never work.

Like, really, complicated, mostly because as a couple you have the worst timing ever. You both have feelings for each other, but there’s always something getting in the way: one of you is moving, already in a relationship with someone else, not ready to commit or about to be deported. Relationships like this are what inspired the “it’s complicated” status on Facebook.

  • The friends with benefits

You enjoy this person’s company, but the relationship is all about the physical. When the clock at the bar strikes 1:am and one of you wants some company, you call each other. All is fine and dandy with this arrangement until one person develops feelings and things start to get weird, thus, shattering this perfect partnership.


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