Manasseh Azure goes after Ken Ofori-Atta over Sputnik V vaccines brouhaha –


Manasseh Azure Awuni

Investigative journalist, Manasseh Azure Awuni, has waded into the Sputnik Covid-19 vaccines brouhaha.

Ghanaians are mounting pressure on Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman-Manu to resign following some revelations in the report by the Parliamentary Committee that probed the Sputnik V vaccine contract.

This comes after Mr Agyeman-Manu wrote to Sheikh Al Maktoum to refund the money for the non-supplied doses.

The letter followed findings by the Committee tasked to investigate the deal, that “the amount of $2,850,000 (representing 50% of the contract sum of $5,700,000.00) has been paid to Messrs Al Maktoum despite the Minister claiming no payment had been made.”


While some Ghanaians are after the ‘head’ of the Health Minister for his role in the government’s payment of over $2 million for overpriced Sputnik V vaccines, others have extended the list of culprits in the botched contract to include the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

According to Mr Azure, the Finance Minister deserves to be blamed as much as Mr Agyeman-Manu.

Check out his Facebook post below:


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