Man borrows money for wife to attend funeral, wife calls later for a divorce


Tabloid News of Monday, 9 August 2021



Ibrahim telling his story to DJ Nyame of SVTV Africaplay videoIbrahim telling his story to DJ Nyame of SVTV Africa

A cocoa farmer, Ibrahim Mohammed has disclosed that he borrowed money for his wife to attend a funeral. Only to come back from the farm to an empty room; she packed her bags with no intention of coming back.

Speaking with DJ Nyaami on SVTV Africa, Ibrahim stated that he decided to marry her eventually but the lady never gave him peace while they stayed together. According to him, he planned to marry and take responsibility for her three children.

“She had two children before we met. The first time we met too she was already pregnant with the third child but she claimed it was fibroid and not pregnancy. So I decided to help her with herbs for the fibroid and after we get married,” he shared.

Eventually, when they realised it was not fibroid she was six months gone. Ibrahim decided “to accept the third child as mine since we had been together for three months. It’s been thirteen years now and I have been caring for her two children while mine lives with my family in another town.”

Ibrahim further added that aside from her decision to quit their relationship, he has borrowed money from different people for her but she wasted the money and made no accounts.

“All I ask is that she brings me the money otherwise I will do anything I have to do to get it back. Even if I have to use other means,” he revealed.

Watch the full interview below:


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