Forestry Commission bans hunting and capturing of wild animals by August 1


Business News of Wednesday, 21 July 2021



The closed season for the hunting of wildlife begins from August 1 to December 1, 2021The closed season for the hunting of wildlife begins from August 1 to December 1, 2021

• The Forestry Commission has announced the ban of wild animals

• The 4-month period starts from August 1 to December 1, 2021

• The closed season is a period used to revive the biodiversity of the country

The Forestry Commission has stated that from Sunday, August 1, 2021, activities involving the hunting of wild animals must cease.

The annual ban on hunting, capturing, and destroying of wild animals known as ‘Close Season’ will be a 4-month period and expected to end on December 1, 2021.

“During this period, it shall be illegal for anybody to hunt, capture or destroy any wild animal except grasscutter (Akrantie), which can be done only under License issued by the Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission,” a statement from the Forestry Commission read.

The annual ban which is in accordance with the Wildlife Conservation Regulation 1971, LI 685 is in order to control the fast decline of wildlife in the country’s forest bodies.

According to the Forestry Commission, environmental degradation activities like illegal mining, encroachment, unbridled hunting, are the reasons Ghana is losing its wealth of biodiversity.

Below is the full statement by the Forestry Commission:


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