How much water do you need to drink in a day?


The “drink more water” message has been drilled into most of us since we were kids, and it is a widely held belief that you need to drink eight glasses of water per day, to prevent you from becoming dehydrated.

But is this the case? Well, you may think you know the answer, but the well-known “rule” about drinking eight glasses of water a day is not technically true.

The eight-by-eight rule appeared out of a void because there is no scientific evidence to back it up. It is just another one of those long-standing myths that people believe because, well, that is what everyone believes.

Health experts reveal that while drinking eight glasses of water each day is not a bad thing, it could be too much or not enough for some people.

The Institute of Medicine reports that adult men need about 13 cups per day of fluid, while adult women need about nine cups of fluid (you get about an additional 2½ cups of fluid from food).

Other guidelines exist, but there’s still no true agreement. There is no formal suggestion for how much water people should drink every day, perhaps because everyone needs different amounts of water.

What are the health benefits of water?

Experts reveal that water is essential for all life processes, including maintaining blood volume, regulation of body temperature, carrying nutrients and waste products, metabolic reactions, and as a lubricant for our spine and joints. It, therefore, makes sense that – to keep our body functioning optimally – it is essential to be adequately hydrated.

And what happens if you don’t drink enough water?

They say dehydration can affect your body and brain in several ways. You may feel:

  • Tired
  • Find it hard to concentrate
  • Experience mild memory problems
  • Lack motivation or find it takes more effort to complete a run or gym session

You will usually know when you need to top up on water. You will experience thirst – and your mouth and lips may become dry.


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