Afia Schwarzenegger cannot drink her own ‘snake’ pure water – Ghmouthpiece


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Social media commentator Ghmouthpiece has questioned Afia Schwarzenegger on why she doesn’t drink her own pure water and but always asking people to patronise it.

Afia Schwarzenegger has been accused by US-based social media commentator Twene Jonas stated that a very close source to the presenter has told him that there is a snake in one of the poly tanks at Afia Schwar’s pure water factory.

According to him, the snake has been sucking away the destiny of people who drink it and makes her rich.

He dared her to open all the poly tanks to people to ascertain if whether there is no snake in any of her tanks.

Ghmouthpiece has also joined in the fight and has revealed that Afia Schwar has never drunk her own water.

In a video, she stated that she has watched videos of Afia Schwarzenegger advertising her pure water but one thing that she is yet to see is she (Afia) drinking the water herself.

She continued that the only time she saw Afia drink the water she spat it out at first she took it normal but the allegation from Twene Jonas has got her thinking otherwise.

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Ghmouthpiece went ahead to say at a point in time Afia during a live video was showing off and bragging about her pure water business but there were packs of Bel-Aqua mineral water in her house.

She questioned why Afia Schwar would be drinking Bel Aqua while she is producing water.


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