Akrobeto mocks Moesha for giving her life to Christ, Kaywa angrily reacts (Watch) » ™


Actor and Real News host, Akrobeto has pooh-poohed Moesha Boduong’s new path she has charted after saying she’s a new creature in the Lord.

In his recent episode of his comic news show, the Kumasi-based veteran suggested it’s very strange that ‘dangerous sinners’ like Nana Agradaa and Akuapem Poloo claimed they have all repented and following Jesus Christ and now Moesha has joined their bandwagon.

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“Wonders shall not end, Moesha says she has repented and given her life to Christ, that is good (claps)…. But what might have led her to repent? Well, it is a good decision and I will not speak ill of you (laughs).

First, it was Akuapem Poloo who said she has repented, then Nana Agradaa. Don’t repent, continue being your old self don’t repent but I am only human and I can’t judge you.

All souls belong to Christ, it is left to God to forgive you or not, so Moesha, may God be with you (laughs),” he said.

However, award-winning music producer cum evangelist Kaywa was not impressed with Akrobeto’s posture.

He consequently slammed him in a post on IG saying;

“I’m seriously saddened by this…Why make adverse mockery of someone’s decision to repent and give her life to Jesus? The bible is clear on this..… Luke 15:10

In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents…why laugh over what makes Heaven Rejoice??? Who Gave us the power to Judge someone’s salvation? Let’s be careful.

Dear @moeshaboduong Jesus Christ is very proud of you, and always remember you made the BEST decision for your Soul.“

Watch the video below;

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