What Country Is This That Basic Things Have Become A Luxury?- Lydia Forson Quizzes


Ghanaian actress and activist Lydia Forson had waded into how the youths in Ghana are struggling to make a better life for themselves.

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She said she doesn’t seem to get her head around some of the things most young people in this country do just to make a better life for themselves. She said the youths stand to do all sort of social vices nowadays in aim of making a living.

According to the screen goddess, young girls in Ghana are engaging in ashawo (prostitution) with the young boys too engaging themselves in all kinds of fraud just to make money for some basic things like food and rent.

She said the things that were supposed to be some basic needs a person should have has now becoming a luxury having these things because of the state of the country.

Ms Forson stated that although these activities are bad, she’s not judging these young girls and boys engaging themselves in it because the country has left them with no option than to do whether they can do to survive.

She added that we live in a country where so many feel like this is their only option for survival and it’s sad because that’s the reality we living in now. She also gave a shout-out to all the people who are living an honest life to make a living.

Girls are doing ashawo Boys are doing fraud All to afford some small car and rent?! Da fuck???! What country is this that basic things have become a luxury? Shout out to everyone earning an honest living and still struggling to survive- Chale it’s not easy I feel you

Look I’m not evening judging all the things girls and even boys are having to do to get by in this country. It’s the reality of where we are now and it’s sad. It’s sad that we live in a country where so many feel like this is their only option.

SOURCE: GhGossip.com


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