Female Student Receives 40 Lashes


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A housemistress of the Komenda Senior High School, Ama Sika, is being investigated by the education authorities in the Central Region for allegedly giving a female student 40 lashes for leaving school without exeat. According to reports, Sarafina Mensah, the victim, went home to collect food from her mother last Sunday but because of a downpour she could not return and had to pass the night home.

The housemistress called Sarafina and her friend when they returned the following day and subjected them to the lashes as they knelt down.

She reportedly showed what had happened to her to the housemistress who subsequently told her to wait till the next day to go to the infirmary for treatment.

She, however, refused to go to the infirmary and rather went to the hospital.

DOVVSU has been informed about the incident.



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