Health workers at Pantang Hospital set to demonstrate over incessant robbery attacks


Health workers at Pantang HospitalHealth workers at Pantang Hospital

Health workers at the Pantang Hospital have revealed that they would lay down their tools and demonstrate over increasing robbery attacks they experience.

The health workers do not feel safe due to the operations of robbers in the area.

According to them, their plea to the government and stakeholders to increase the presence of security personnel in the area have fallen on deaf ears.

The Spokesperson for the Union Executives of Pantang Hospital, Elvis Akuamoah, noted that their safety has been at risk due to the encroachment of their lands by private individuals who sometimes attack them in their line of duty.

In an interview monitored by GhanaWeb, he said, “burglary is on the rise and the Adentan police have been provided with a lot of reports from us. We are being attacked by faceless people all because of encroachers on our land who live here with us. Because the duty bearers have turned a deaf ear to us, the staff have decided to flee from their workplace until duty bearers come to do the needful to make them feel safe.

Trinity Delali Kumi, a nurse at the hospital who shared her harrowing experience with Citi TV said, “At the beginning of the year, I was coming to work and I was robbed of my mobile phone and it was in broad day. It happened just on the stretch going to the OPD.”

Another health worker who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “I was at home sleeping around 1:00 am when I heard a bang. I came out to the kitchen only to meet 3 people with guns and cutlasses. They took my laptop and an amount of ¢1,500 cedis.”

The demonstration has been set for June 28, 2021.


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