Watch: Married couple awarded Guinness record for height difference


June 23 (UPI) — A British man and his wife, who is nearly 2 feet taller than him, were awarded a Guinness World Record for greatest height differential of a married couple.

James and Chloe Lusted, who married in 2016, were awarded the Guinness record in the different sexes/taller woman category after their heights were verified at 3 feet, 7 inches for James and 5 feet, 5 inches for Chloe — a difference of 1 foot, 10 inches.

James Lusted, 33, an actor and TV host, met Chloe, 27, a teacher, through friends in 2012. James was born with diastrophic dysplasia, a rare type of dwarfism that affects bone and cartilage development.

“Our love story has taught us and taught others that you can’t judge a book by its cover, and just to love the person no matter who they are. I don’t think you can choose who you fall in love with,” Chloe Lusted said.

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