2021 Population Census: Ghanaians express mixed reactions


General News of Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Source: universnewsroom.com


Ghana has commenced the 2021 Population and Housing CensusGhana has commenced the 2021 Population and Housing Census

Some Ghanaians have expressed mixed feelings ahead of the 2021 Population and Housing Census.

The exercise is to provide essential information on Spatial Distribution, Age and Sex Structure, and other key Social and Economic characteristics.

Speaking to UniversNews, some citizens stated that conducting a census at this time is a misplaced priority taking into account the economic challenges the country is faced with.

“Because of Covid, there are a number of developmental projects the government would want to undertake. Knowing the number of people in the country would be of great help, but then again considering other things, is it necessary now? As a country, do we really need the population census or there are other things we should concentrate on?” a concerned citizen said.

Some other Ghanaians shared the same views and called for the postponement of the exercise.

“I think that for now doing population census is not right. I think that they should hold things since we are not in good times. Probably next year God willing, who knows things will be okay then maybe they can start doing the population census,” said another.

Others citizens were concerned about the health risks associated with exercise with regards to COVID-19.

“I think that for now doing population census is not right. I think that they should hold things since we are not in good times. Probably next year God willing, who knows things will be okay then maybe they can start doing the population census,” a citizen said.

The census, which was expected to take place in 2020, had to be rescheduled due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) later slated the commencement of the 2021 Population and Housing Census for Sunday, June 27, 2021.


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