At age 36 he still looks strong and fit; this is how Cristiano Ronaldo takes care of himself, diet and fitness » ™


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Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the most accomplished athletes on the planet.

What’s his secret? Lots of food and lots of sleep, apparently.

The five-time Ballon d’Or winner and renowned Juventus striker can eat up to six meals and take five naps in a single “typical” day, according to ESPNFC and AS.

Ronaldo is known to start his days with ham and cheese and a side of yoghurt for breakfast. When he gets hungry a little later in the day, the 35-year-old likes to snack on avocado toast.

Though Littlehales insists that the five 90-minute sleeps — 7.5 hours in total — is the ideal amount of sleep, some sources suggest that Ronaldo follows the routine in addition to a full night’s sleep.

Cristiano Ronaldo has worked extensively with sleep expert Nick Littlehales, who recommends that all of his clients take five 90-minute “sleeps” each day.

Though the all-time goals and assists leader in UEFA Champions League history are remarkably serious about his diet and recovery routines, he’s not above rewarding himself with an occasional treat.

Though he mostly steers clear of alcohol, he’ll enjoy a glass of wine from time to time. He’ll eat cake on his birthday, and he even sneaks pieces of chocolate here and there, according to Business Insider’s Alan Dawson.

Perhaps it’s his strict routines — and bouts of flexibility — that keep Ronaldo in peak form well into his 30s.

He doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon, as the star ranked second in scoring across all of Serie A last season and has already scored three goals in two games for the 2020-2021 campaign.

Source: Joy Sports

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