Personal peace is paramount to national peace – Rev Osabutey


Reverend Samuel Kofi Osabutey giving his speechReverend Samuel Kofi Osabutey giving his speech

The Right Reverend Samuel Kofi Osabutey, Bishop of the Accra Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, has said personal peaceful living is paramount to fostering national peace and security.

He said when there was peaceful coexistence in the communities, there would be no national conflict, saying every major national conflict began with misunderstanding among individuals.

“Our responsibility regarding conflict, politics, peace and security is key to collective harmonious existence in Ghana, Africa and the World,” he added.

Rev Osabutey made the remarks at Knustford University College’s graduation for students in Executive Certificate in Politics, Conflicts, Peace and Security.

In all, 13 participants graduated in the eight-week course with six graduating in Politics, Peace and Security and seven in Conflict, Peace and Security.

The graduates were professionals from varied backgrounds, including the security service, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies, public service and religious organisations.

Rev Osabutey, who gave the valedictory speech, said the country needed to strive for peace at the community level because that formed the basis for national and international peace.

“As individuals, we need to be mindful of our peace and the peace in our communities so that we become aware of the things that trigger conflict around us,” he reiterated.

He said the graduates received knowledge and skills to play effective roles in the country’s democratic rule, especially in its peace and security architecture.

The Reverend Minister, who is also the chairperson of the Greater Accra Regional Peace Council, said: “We are also exposed to the theory and practice of political governance to understand, analyse and provide effective leadership in the democratic process.”

“We are poised for this role in our respective communities,” he added.

Mr John Essel, Pro-Chancellor of the University, encouraged the graduates to put to good practice what they studied in their respective jurisdictions.

He said the respective communities and immediate environment should be beneficiaries of their studies, adding that, peace and security were paramount to a country’s political stability.


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