Arnold’s Refusal to Fight Back Shatta Wale On UTV Has Earned Him Praises


Shatta Wale (1Don) characteristically disrupted the highly rated United program on UTV when his trademark boisterous persona seized his faculties by launching tirades at Arnold for always criticizing him, hinged on his recent ‘State of the Industry’ address.

The leader of the Shatta Movement verbally attacked Arnold and almost tried to get into a physical altercation with him but all this while, the entertainment pundit and Aviation employee never uttered any word in the heat of the moment.

Ultimately, Shatta Wale once again became the villain in his usual plot and ended up deteriorating his image.

Even political activist, Kwame- Plus who is a staunch SM member heaped praises on Arnold for the way he handled the situation last night (June 12). See what he posted shortly after the program ended;



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