Police search for decapitated head of motor rider as two die in gory crash


Two persons died on the spot at Bomso in the accident involving four motorbikesTwo persons died on the spot at Bomso in the accident involving four motorbikes

Correspondence from Eastern region

Police from Asuom in the Eastern Region are still searching for the decapitated head of one Tawiah, 20, who died in an awful accident Saturday dawn.

Two persons died on the spot at Bomso in the accident involving four motorbikes with five others sustaining various degrees of injury.

One other, Laphew Obeng, 20, also died in the crash.

It’s not clear how the accident which happened at 1:00 occur but Chief Inspector Kumi Mante in charge of the Asuom Police Station said his outfit had information that there was an accident at Bomso near the Adventist Preparatory School involving four Motorbikes.

Upon receipt of the information, police quickly rushed to the scene and met two Royal Motorbikes, one unregistered and the other with registration number M 21 GR 9666 together with the lifeless bodies of the deceased with others injured.

The injured who have been identified as Asante Michael, 18, Nuamah Samuel, 17 and Andrews Keddeh, 20, sustained various degrees of injuries and were treated and discharged at the Tweapease Health Centre.

However, one Jeff, aged about 18 was said to have sustained a fracture in his left leg and has been referred to the Kade Government Hospital for treatment whilst another, Kwaku Amponsah aged 17 years is on admission at the Asuom Health Center.

The bodies of the dead have been preserved at the Kade Hospital Mortuary for Autopsy.


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