‘I faked my own wedding and had a professional shoot to get revenge on my ex’


File photo: Wedding

Look, we’ve all done our fair share of weird stuff when it comes to a break up. There’s just something about the end of a relationship which can leave you making somewhat, erm, questionable decisions.

But, while for the majority of us that means messaging everyone on our Snapchat list and getting far too drunk at pre-drinks, one woman went that extra mile to try and move on from her relationship.

They say the best way to get over someone is to move onto someone else, but in Sarah Vilard’s case she felt the best way to get over – and get back at – her ex was to get married to someone else. Except, she didn’t have a fiancé so she faked the entire thing.

Sarah making the confession on TikTok
Sarah Vilard went the extra mile to get back at her ex (Image: tiktok / @sarahvilard)

Taking to TikTok, Sarah revealed that she even went as far as buying a beautiful wedding gown and paying for a professional shoot, all to convince her ex she was married off.

“Remembering the time I faked getting married and had photoshoot to get revenge on my ex,” she wrote, with Gnarles Barkley’s ‘Crazy’ playing in the background.

The clip included several pictures from Sarah’s ‘big day’, which appeared to show her posing with her new husband and a bridesmaid at a stunning wedding venue.

Sarah and her 'husband' posing at her fake wedding
Sarah and her ‘husband’ posed for photos at the fake wedding (Image: tiktok / @sarahvilard)

The video, which has been liked nearly 120,000 times, was inundated with comments from TikTok users who admired her “commitment to crazy,” and said videos like this “made them feel normal.”

“This level of dedication is either completely psychotic or absolutely genius,” one user wrote,

Meanwhile, others were desperate to know if her plan worked and whether the ex got back in touch after seeing the photos.

Sarah confirmed that her ex did in fact text her after seeing the ‘wedding’ pictures, and has promised to share the messages in a follow up video.

Come on Sarah, we’re waiting…


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