I confessed my feelings to this guy and he blocked me; what may be the problem? – Lady seeks answers » ™


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A lady is currently seeking answers as to why a guy she was interested in and made her feelings known decided to block her.

According to Nomfundo, she had tried texting this guy from a different phone but the response from him is certainly not encouraging.

She shared her problem on Twitter where she is asking why a guy she has expressed genuine interest in will decided to shut the door right in her face.

What happened to people encouraging ladies to shoot their shot? Is she the problem? Is the guy a coward? These are some of the unanswered questions on the mind of the beautiful Nomfundo.

Why would a guy block a lady the very moment she expressed interest in her?

@Fireman_bongani wrote: The things is , today you have feelings for him and after that you want to be paid for your feelings, the gent is avoiding that.

@bianca wrote: You currently know how he feels about you. Kindly note that there’s nothing amiss with you, you probably not what he likes and it’s alright.

@BlackBonnyT wrote: He is probably in a serious relationship and he doesn’t want destructions.

@mabena wrote: Dont worry bbes…… soon he will be knocking on your door. And your turn will come to reject him. For now jst put on a smile and pretend you are OK. Dnt act desperate coz he will feel like a king.

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