Abronye DC wades into calls to FixTheCountry


Kwame Baffoe

The Bono Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kwame Baffoe aka Abronye DC, has stated President Nana Akufo-Addo has been slow with governance.

The firebrand politician is of the view that the President must put on his Kum yem Preko fire and get things fixed in his government.

According to him, President Akufo-Addo is one of the best Presidents Ghana has had but he has, especially been slow in taking actions against his corrupt appointees.

But in terms of developmental projects and making life easier for Ghanaians, Abronye believes he can’t be compared to any President under Fourth Republic.

Speaking in an interview on Asempa FM’s Kukurantumi show, the outspoken politician made a clarion call to the president as a matter of urgency to bring corrupt appointees to book.


“Prosecute corrupt appointees in the the erstwhile administration and those in your government too to serve as a deterrent to others,” he urged.

Abronye stressed President Akufo-Addo must tighten his bootstraps to keep and renew the faith Ghanaians had in him.

His comments come at a time when citizens are mounting pressure on the government to ‘FixTheCountry’.

The campaign, which started off from social media, has become an issue of national interest but has been greeted with mixed reactions.


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