Date Rush ladies reject the heart Nana Ama broke


Entertainment of Monday, 3 May 2021

Source: 3 News


Sammy appeared on Date RushSammy appeared on Date Rush

Remember the KNUST student who went viral because his girlfriend broke his heart? Well, Sammy came on the Date Rush show to find love, and he was rejected-Again!

Sammy, after confessing to cheating on Nana Ama left the show without a date. But not without some ensuring drama.

Sammy said that he plans to re-enter the dating scene, even after the horrific breakup with Nana Ama, because he wants to find a woman before leaving school. According to him, finding a woman to stay with you keeps you grounded earlier.

When detailing the events that lead to his previous heartbreak, Sammy said his friend betrayed him and pilled his shameful secret to Ama. The other girl was his hallmate, and they ended up in her room, where the dishonourable act happened. He said, “I kinda cheated on Nana Ama. I kissed another girl but didn’t think it was a big deal. After all, most people find it cool to do something like that.”

This revelation did not amuse the ladies on the show. Even though he had his eyes on Bibi, she still kept her rush off.

Sammy, a final year student at KNUST, is an old student of St. Aquinas School. He also has dreams of becoming the best actor in Ghana in the next five years. Hopefully, he finds love soon before he completes KNUST.


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