Akyem’s Most Beautiful to showcase the rich culture of Akyem


Entertainment of Saturday, 1 May 2021

Source: GNA


Akyem’s Most BeautifulAkyem’s Most Beautiful

The people of Akyem are known to be brave having won numerous battles in the past, and a new beauty pageant Akyem’s Most Beautiful (AMB) seeks to showcase the rich culture of its people.

The road to crowning a new Queen for AMB who is expected to spearhead various developmental campaigns in the area would kick start with auditions on the 13-14th of May at the Ntiamoah Hotel in Akim Oda.

With the grand finale set for July, 10 beautiful young ladies from Akyem would get the opportunity to demonstrate the rich culture and traditions of the people of Akyem.

Madam Eva Boakyewaah, organizer for the pageant, in an interview said the pageant would unravel the culture of the Akyem daughters.

“The beauty pageant seeks to educate the masses on the culture and story of the Akyem people with the beautiful young ladies showcasing the skills on our various rites.

“AMB will attract beautiful ladies from all districts in the Akim Oda constituency who will compete for the ultimate crown which will be accompanied by many prizes,’’ she said.

She added that the pageantry would be very revealing and educative as she urged the youth to take part in the competition.


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