What a home means to home buyers


VAAL Real Estate : Keys to consider when buying a home in GhanaVAAL Real Estate : Keys to consider when buying a home in Ghana

You may have heard the expression; A house is not a home, but many home buyers in Ghana often pay far too little attention to that before we commit to purchasing a particular place.

Transforming a house into a home takes much more than just finding a lovely apartment for sale in an excellent location and showing interest in it. A home is far different from a house, and here is why.

Human; heart; heals

A key difference to consider is by delving deeply into our personal needs. It is essential to choose a house that heals and soothes your soul and is human-friendly. Homes buyers must find out if a place can accommodate various groups of people without discrimination.

People who are short, tall, fat, disabled physically, or mentally unstable should feel comfortable in a home. It is also essential to find out what facilities in a house can heal by making dwellers feel happy and excited every time they are home.

Ordinary and extraordinary needs:

Homes buyers in Ghana, when buying a house, should check if the house solves both their ordinary and extraordinary needs. Needs can be different depending on a person; therefore, finding out what your needs are is vital to any decision you will make when buying a house.

Some everyday needs may be; an extra storeroom, extra garage, security cameras, playroom, garden, to mention a few. Some extraordinary conditions include; a prayer room, a luxury swimming pool, yoga room, riverside for fishing, tennis court, boys quarters, and a few.

Whatever your needs, you should ensure that it satisfies your needs before you buy the house, and you can call it home.


Motivation is what empowers and urges anyone to achieve and succeed. Homebuyers in Ghana should ensure that the house they buy must personally inspire them to achieve more and be happy in their present life.

Anytime you see your house or wake from sleep, you should meet an ambiance that inspires you to start the day well.

Any house that gets you upset almost every day is not a home; if your inspiration does not start from the home, you can have a very rough day. Psychologically, it is better to get motivation from your home than at the office or anywhere else.


everything on planet Earth vibrates energy; now, when the place you sleep mostly does not give you the positive energy you want, you gradually and regularly fall ill. anything that does not heal you kills you, and your house can be the one thing that heals or kills you. Homebuyers should take this seriously and engage the best consultants to help them make the right choices for home buying.

When you decide to buy a house, make sure that it is a home that motivates, inspires, heals, satisfies your needs, and generates positive vibes.


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