4 ways you can help save the planet


By Thobile Mazibuko Time of article published11h ago

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April 22 is known as World Earth Day, and this year the theme is “Restore Our Earth” which focuses on natural processes and emerging green technologies that can restore the world’s ecosystems.

Every individual in the world has a role to play in saving the planet. It starts with the little things like recycling, reusing and reducing. Here’s how you can save the planet by taking a different approach to your everyday life.

Store your products in one container

Part of moisturising the body usually includes using tissue oil, lotion and sunscreen. Instead of having many bottles on your dressing table, rather mix the oil, lotion and sunscreen in one container. Not only will it save you time, but it will also give you more storage space.

Use recyclable bags

When going shopping, always carry a bag instead of buying a plastic one. Fabric shopping bags are the best because you can wash them and use them the next time you shop.

Be creative with your clothes

Mask are part of our everyday lives, and to avoid buying new ones, take that sock that no longer has a match and turn it into a mask. All you need is a pair of scissors. (watch the video below). Also, don’t throw away those jeans that are torn in between the thighs, turn them into a bag.

Save water

There’s no need to fill the bathtub with water. Five minutes showers are more than enough.

Remember, change starts with you.

Credit: IOL


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