Agribusiness Fair and Conference to boost potential in North Western Ghana


Accra, April 21, GNA – The Market Oriented Agriculture Programme in North Western Ghana (MOAP NW) will host the second Agribusiness Fair and Conference from 19th to 20th May 2021 in Wa, Upper West Region.

Implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, MOAP NW is jointly working and organizing this event with the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) and the Upper West Regional Coordinating Council (UWRCC).
Financed by the European Union (EU) and co-financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the programme represents one of the main pillars of the EU Ghana Agriculture Programme (EUGAP).
Since 2017, the EUGAP pillar (MOAP NW) has supported the growth of agribusinesses with capacity building and the technical assistance for farmers, working closely with public and private extension services, decision makers, producers, processors, input providers and exporters for robust and successful agribusinesses.
Under the theme “Boosting the Agribusiness Potential in North Western Ghana”, the two-day-programme will attract participants and exhibitors from the agribusiness sector, showcase relevant products and services and foster the dialogue on core issues to enhance quality in agricultural production, increase incomes and create jobs along value chains.
Originally scheduled for March 2020, the event had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, measures have been put in place to ensure the success of the event and the safety of participants in accordance with the COVID-19 safety protocols.
There will be a maximum of 50 conference participants on-site and the majority will join virtually via Facebook Live sessions through GIZ Ghana and the EU Delegation to Ghana handles.
The fair will take place at the courtyard of the Upper West Regional Library and is open to the public. In cooperation with the relevant health and security agencies, it will be ensured that all safety protocols are applied during the event.
In an interview with regard to the event, Dr. Elke Stumpf, Head of the MOAP NW pillar of the EUGAP, said “In 2019, we discussed issues of Agri-finance, Marketing, Infrastructure and Youth in Agriculture.
We are excited about the insights gained from the maiden conference as well as the testimonials from our participants and we look forward to take the conversations to the next level to support the expansion of the Agribusiness sector in the North West and to demonstrate that agribusiness is a worthwhile venture.”
The registration process has started for interested exhibitors and participants. More participants are expected to join this year as MOAP NW has recently expanded its operational area from the Upper West Region to two districts in the Savannah Region and one in the North East Region, meaning that the project area consists now of 14 districts.
Additionally, the hosting of the conference in a virtual way will also allow more participants from Ghana and other parts of the world to join.
The event will start on Wednesday, 19th of May 2021, with a moderated conference to discuss core topics which are crucial to expand the agricultural potential of the project area: Climate Change, Digitalisation and Women Empowerment. This will be followed by a grand exhibition to showcase agricultural innovations, technology and products as well as to promote Business-to-Business (B2B) networking among agribusiness industry players and relevant stakeholders.


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