Screw Faze Replies Samini For Saying He Set The Pace For Him And Others


Screw Faze has replied to Samini after he claimed he sounds like him and he also set back intentionally to pave way for him and some others who came after him in the music industry.

Samini speaking on United said it was a good thing hearing Screw Faze and some others sound like him and also disclosed that he paved the way for Screw Faze and some others who came after him.

Screw Faze replying to that in an interview with Sammy Flex said Samini was never his mentor as he was looking up to Sonny Balu hence if he sounds like anyone at all it should be Sonnie Bali and not him Samini.

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Speaking on setting back to pave way for him, Screw Faze said it wasn’t right for Samini to have said that because he believes it was his time and God’s doing that he came out at that moment and not because he (Samini) set back to pave way for him as he claimed.

Screw Faze politely rubbished the claims of Samini as he disagreed with him about all that he said when it comes to he sounding like him and also setting the pace for him and others saying such a conversation is not right to have in the first place since he’s not fighting over anything with him.

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