The abuse of hard drug has been an issue not just in Nigeria, but around the world. However, It seems at though Mkpụrụ mmírí was the highlights of 2021.
What made Mkpụrụ mmírí so special is the manner in which several Igbo communities punished those who abuse the drug and this is why I chose to make it my 2021 biggest event.
It all started after a young boy killed his father in Adazi, Anambra state and took his N50,000 just to buy Mkpụrụ Mmiri. He was caught by the youths in the community, beaten and burnt alive.
Another died in a neighbouring community as a result of the effects of Mkpuru mmiri, just like that the list kept going on and on, and gradually Mkpụrụ mmírí became one epidemic that hit the Igbo land so hard.
Mkpụrụ mmiri is a Hard drug called methamphetamine or ice (because it looks like ice block), it is also called Guzoro because of its euphoria effect one gets after taking it.
It is a central nervous system stimulant and it’s mostly used as a recreational drug or as a treatment for deficit hyperactivity disorder and obesity, but the Nigerian youths are rather using this drug for a different purpose entirely.
Somehow this deadly drug managed to creep its way into the Igbo land with a sudden rise in its use which is gradually consuming the youths.
The sad part of this is that, the method of curing addicts of this specific kind of drugs is not available yet in Nigeria, this is why some Igbo communities decided to discover their own cure by using the cane deliverance method.
The are numerous videos from several communities in Igbo land where the cane deliverance is administered on Igbo youths who take Mkpụrụ Mmiri. Some communities go as far as tying offenders on beams or trees at public places and beating them mercilessly.
However, flogging drug addicts has never been a method of curing them. These are adults who are addicted to a particular substance, and drug addiction is a chronic disease, characterized by an uncontrollable drug use despite it harmful consequences.
The truth is that No amount of flogging can stop addicts from taking it. They need a long term and repeated care from a therapist to stop them from using the drug completely and recover.
The reason I chose this as my 2021 biggest highlights is how the Igbos are sending a message to other drug abusers to stay away from hard drugs by embarrassing offenders publicly, though it may not cure them immediately, it would teach the younger generation a lesson not to go into grad drugs.
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