Newly Trained Teachers Allegedly Paying Money To Change Their Postings


The thought of being posted to remote areas in some parts of the country scares most newly qualified trained teachers who are currently waiting to be posted.

Although the feeling is not only common among the group of trainees, the thought of being sent to a typical village where there is no electricity nor better accommodation to teach is never a welcoming idea to the discerning teacher.

Many factors have contributed to why most newly trained teachers prefer teaching in the cities or at least in a better environment where he/she will have access to good roads, communication networks and a better working condition.

Several schools in the hinterland continue to battle with lack of trained teachers, good classroom blocks and proper furniture to complement teaching and learning and all of these drive teachers away.

Last year, for instance, in my school, the newly trained teacher posted there came and observe the area and unfortunately did not return, although he said he was going to bring his personal belongings.

When we inquired, he had changed the place to a better one through some influential officers in the Ghana Education Service by paying some undisclosed amount.

The story was not different from other nearby schools where my colleagues teach. Now, the new normal is to pay an undisclosed amount to some officers to get your school changed to the one you like.

As a result of these, my checks reveal that some newly trained teachers waiting for their postings are contacting middlemen to maneuver their ways through the posting process by securing a better school in the city where their comfort is rest assured.

This has made the schools in the cities to be choked with excess teachers at the expense of schools in the remote areas. To curb this menace, some teachers have suggested that the Ghana Education Service should make postings to remote areas compulsory so that if one fails to report, he/she will forfeit his recruitment.

Additionally, if the government can resource the village schools with furniture, adequate classroom blocks and introduce rural teachers incentives, this menace will experience a tremendous reduction eventually.

Content created and supplied by: BricyBoateng (via Opera
News )


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