How to prepare prekese drink



3 medium-sized Prekese

Fresh ginger

Lemon juice




Wash prekese completely, wound it and break it into little pieces

Pour water in a cooking pot and bubble it over high hotness.

Absorb the bits of Prekese the warm water and cover with a top. Allow the Prekese to douse for around 30 minutes to 60 minutes. NB: the more it drenches, the more it lets all the juice and flavor out of its cases.

Extract juice from the lemon, wash ginger and pulverize it.

Add the lemon squeeze and squashed ginger to the splashed Prekese and blend well.

Allow it to represent around 30 minutes. This assists the ginger with mixing admirably in the juice.

Strain the blend through a fine sifter to eliminate the ginger tail.

Add honey to taste and mix well until it breaks up.

Empty the juice into a bowl or bottle and ideally place in the refrigerator to chill.

You can serve chilled on ice with cuts of lemon and squeezed orange.

You can likewise serve it whiles hot.

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