We’re to walk through tips, strategies and tactics that are currently working on instagram, to help you grow your instagram business account to bring in more followers and more customers through instagram. We are going to walk through strategies that are currently working, that you can implement to help grow your account organically completely for free through leveraging current strategies and as well.
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We threw an additional approach to specific to businesses on instagram to really build loyal, and recurring customers through leverage underutilized feature on instagram that we feel far too many people. Especially, businesses are sleeping on and that you can take advantage of through using and executing successfully to get some very loyal customers, that not only live your content on instagram, but also love your business, let’s get right into it.
Let’s say, 6, 7 years ago, you could just post out content and you would grow because that’s typically how social media platforms start off, then it becomes more and more difficult to, and there’s just more competition out there fighting for attention. So now we have to be a lot more strategic and thoughtful with our time and presence on instagram to grow.
You’re interested in this kind of content and your kind of business, so this is super valuable for you specifically, and I’ll walk through how you can actually find these people and who you want to target because going to be very strategic with your actions on instagram. Because if you do use instagram too much or you perform too many actions too fast, you can get hit with an action block.
You can only do so many actions, especially as a new account. So I would keep this slow. I’ll try to keep your actions between 20 and 50 followers per day. But what we’re going to do here to start getting some growth and some traction is, ideally, you want to have some content out there because it’s going to improve the likelihood of people following back.
So the first step in this, I would recommend posting out nine pieces of content that fits your brand, your aesthetic and what you offer as a business. I wouldn’t stress too much about these first time post because not a lot of people are going to see them. But you do want to make sure to have some content out there, because the future strategies we’re gonna cover in this article is driving traffic to your profile.
And if they come across, and they think it’s a fan or a bottle account. They’re far less likely to follow, so by having that nine piece of content, it shows that you’re real. And it’s going to really increase the likelihood that you actually do get those follows in addition to the steps that we walk through in the previous article about optimizing your bio and your page. And all those other things that really do matter when it comes to converting people over.
But now let’s get into the strategy of actually bringing some of these targeted people to your account. So like I said, your competitors are already on instagram likely. And they build audiences, and they have people that engage with their content consistently. So we’re going to leverage that, knowing that I’m a bar in Jacksonville Beach, I’m going to go look for a bar in Jacksonville because that is my exact clients out.
So we’re going to surfer and go to their content, so they have 175000 followers and they’re following 3570. But where you want to find their high value people is not even their following list because or their followers list because there’s a lot of people on there who aren’t actually active. They’re not engaged, plus a lot of businesses are known for doing very shady tactics like buying followers and all that stuff.
So a lot of their following might not be actually engaging. I’m not saying surfer did that. I’m just saying a lot of people do that a lot of especially a lot of businesses in the past have been buying followers. So how we’re going track people that are currently using instagram that are very loyal and engaged in this kind of content, is by going through who’s actually interacting with their content.
Not only will they follow pages, they will like and interact with their content, which is good for you, so I’ll make a habit when you start a brand new account to start building some intriguing and subtraction is to actually go to these accounts and say. Let’s go to megas account, and then in I would follow them and then also leave some comments on their content or like a few post.
What we’re trying to do is to drive traffic over to your page, and so naturally. Once you do that, go through and do both that say. 20 people today don’t go too crazy. Make this authentic and make it real. But all these people are super high value for union business because they’re far more likely than the average person to follow your account, and we only want to attract followers that are actually going to interact with our content, and potentially be customers and by surfer doing this research basically for us.
We know that the people interact with their content are far more likely, just honest. Like a number standpoint to come in and interact with our content and actually like our content, plus, we now know that they’re interested in this kind of bar. They’re interested in a bar, meaning that they’re far more likely to actually come in and buy from us, which is this whole point, so I’d recommend going through your competitors.
Ideally, locally, if you are a local business because all their followers and most of them can come and a customer, especially people who are interacting with their content because they’re highly motivated in their on instagram and still current and active. Which we want to start there, go through a few competitors and do 20 to 50 people per go look through a piece of content.
Especially, see who’s interacted with the comments or even better, but go through who liked it. If no one commented, go through their profile, follow them like a few pieces of their content, and some of them will convert and follow over to you, only do about 20 to 50 of these per day, and you want to make these authentic, we’re looking to build relationships.
We’re not just looking to span people. Okay, we actually want people that can come follow, and we’ll support them back and forth, and that’s how we’re going to build our initial clientele through instagram. So 20 to 50 of these highly targeted people per day, leveraging the existing loyal audience of your competitors that they’ve already done this work for us, we’re going to take advantage of it.
The next step is to make sure to be consistent on instagram that comes with your story presence as well as your content, instagram rewards consistency, does it more consistent? You can be the better it’s going to be, so I recommend ideally for anybody who’s using instagram to stick to a schedule that is maintainable for them, so if you can only post once a week. And that’s all you can realistically do.
I would actually try to challenge you to do a little more than that, but stick with consistency. So if that’s 1 a day, amazing, but there’s no such thing as too much content, especially on instagram, because we’re only targeting people who are our ideal follower. So they’re not going to get fatigued by because they actually want this stuff because and if they do get fatigued by our content, they’re not our ideal following.
If they leave, that’s not a huge deal. We only want people who are highly concentrated and interested in our content, so make sure to show up consistently on instagram and experiment with different kinds of content and then use the insights that instagram provides you as a business, or a cleaner account to see what really works versus what doesn’t.
In terms of that, you’re posting out there, so see if certain types of content gets more reach, more impressions, also see how they’re performing in terms of the things that you want. So if you want to convert profile. Visitors make sure to check in on how that metric is performing with each kind of post as well as the associated caption that you provide with that content to really see that if you’re achieving the goal that you’re trying to achieve through each piece of content.
So the more methodical you can be with the content you’re putting out there, and the goal is behind it. Yeah, the more success you’re going to see from instagram. But it’s very important to be consistent and show up consistently to set a goal for yourself of consistent posting frequency on stories as well as in main feed content.
And stick to that as much as you and try to get that number as high as you possibly can without driving yourself crazy and without compromising on quality of content. And in addition to being active, be consistent with your use of hashtags, so hashtags are a great way that instagram uses to determine what kind of content is.
What kind of content who actually wants it, so spend a bit of time using hashtags on every single post and make custom groups of tags for every piece of content, because you do want it to be highly relevant and specified to that piece of content.
They recently came out and said that a list of 3 to 5 hashtags works better is what they said. So I recommend by between 10 and 30 hashtags every single time and experiment with different groupings of tags as well sizes, and keep track of how it’s actually performing because you can actually see within instagram the amount of impressions that are coming from the hashtags that you use on specific content. So continue to experiment much like with different kinds of content.
Experiment with different kinds of hashtags that are all hyper relevant to your business, your location and other specific things, to the content itself to attract more of those ideal customers and followers that we’ve talked about through this article. So the first tip of this article is really taking advantage of what instagram allows you to do with your actions.
And that’s going to be very important, especially as you’re a new page because you have no existing audience to really leverage off of, and it’s very much an authority driven platform instagram. You need to get some followers to then attract more followers, which is really difficult to do.
But it’s just the nature of the current platform in its current state, but one thing you can do to truly take advantage of this and actually trying to get past this initial hump is to start leveraging instagram real, so instagram real is their latest feature on instagram. And it’s vertical video, a lot like tiktok, so since tiktok blew up and it was a very popular platform.
Instagram wants to capture some of that attention, so they’re rolling out real, so they’re giving favourable treatment to real, so if you post real content. It has a far higher likelihood of getting exposed to new people to definitely take advantage of this and try to be posting as reels as possible included in your consistent posting frequency.
On instagram, reels are the biggest opportunity for growth and attracting new people right now. So it’s a massive opportunity for smaller accounts, especially since they don’t the initial momentum that makes growth from hashtags and then as well as the export page, easier to do once you have a more established page with an established audience, so definitely be posting reals as much as possible.
In addition to having his vertical video content, the huge benefit of this is that you can also over on tiktok as well, so that we are next tip right here is to actually have a tiktok account as well, and link it to your instagram currently tiktok just a younger platform meaning is more organic rates that is far easier to come by even for brand new pages.
It’s just way easier to get views and likes and impressions over there, and you can build an audience far faster on tiktok. I would argue that screen following is far more invested in your content and you have more touch points with them, but as a top of funnel approach to bring in more instagram followers. We recommend that you make a tiktok account right away and connect it to your instagram account.
It’s our posting both of these videos, so the videos that you’re making vertical video on instagram reels also post them on tiktok because you’ve already got the asset. Why not use it on both and take advantage of the benefits of tiktok and then convert them over to your instagram as well. So the next question is probably okay, so what do I post for my business.
Maybe your business is in a super sexy business with a ton of content ideas. What I would say is to really understand who you’re trying to target, so who are these people. What do they care about, and how can you create content that they’ll actually care about because if they resonate with the content, they’re far more likely to engage. They’re far more likely to share and interact with it, which helps you out tremendously.
So where so many businesses go wrong is they just constantly post out sales content, which is just a picture of their products. Just endlessly. Endlessly, and they’re wondering why they’re not getting or growth you need to think about it logically.
What’s in it for the person who’s following you, what is the benefit to them for following your content and interacting with it. There has to be some sort of exchange of value, so it’s to understand who you’re trying to target. So for my example of the bar, I’d be far better served posting like memes about the area or memes about going out.
Things that resonate with the people that would come and buy from me because they’re far more likely to connect with it to share it with people and interact with it as well, so definitely have a mix of sales content, but if you’re looking to grow. There has to be some value provided to your ideal group of people. It is bar govers in Jacksonville Beach.
That’s a very powerful tool for me because I can speak directly to that person. And the content doesn’t even need to be directly about my business because we want to attract new people. So having a funny meme or a reference to the area. The nightlife in the area is going to do way better than just a picture of our bar, saying, come, get cheaper drinks right, so having a mix of these two, understanding that there is strategy from sales content as well as content to help grow the page and having a mix of the two.
But it really comes down to having great and clever content. And that really comes down to understanding who you’re trying to target, what they care about, what do they find funny, what would they benefit, think about it like that? What’s in it for them and try to provide that through as much of your content as possible because that’s going to be content that brings in growth and followers and shares and then also mix in some sales content, because naturally, this is a sales tool.
And you do want to communicate with your customers so they can come in and buy from you, but that’s probably the most left on thing when it comes to businesses and businesses on instagram specifically is just the lack of creativity and understanding who they’re trying to target and providing value for them and asking themselves that question what’s in it for my customer.
What’s in it for my follower, if you focus on that through your content, you’re going to do substantially better, and there are tons of other brands and businesses out there that are getting very creative, so I definitely recommend spending some time going to look at other brands and businesses in your niche or outside of it to get inspiration as to what kind of content is really working. The next step is one, that should sound pretty straightforward, but not many people do it because they just think it’s weird and social media, which instagram is a social media actually social.
So don’t be afraid to start the conversation as a new business page. Don’t be afraid to comment on someone’s post. If you think they may be interested in your content, do so in an authentic way, but like we said in the very beginning of this, your actions are powerful to drive people over to your profile. And people can’t follow an account or buy from you unless they know that your account and business exists.
So your actions are a great way to start facilitating some of that and build true genuine relationships, plus on instagram, a lot of people don’t have many followers, and they don’t have many people interacting with their content. So it’s simply you liking or leaving a genuine comment is very likely going to lead to a profile visitor to your business.
Which you’re getting completely free from leaving a little comment, so I found a lot of people have great success with this by building out a brand voice for the instagram page and using that to communicate with people that they come across on instagram that could potentially be customers building true.
Genuine relationships through interacting with their content and then through that driving that person over to their profile, which can eventually convert into a follow and a long term customer because you started the conversation, so it’s not weird unless you make it weird, so don’t overthink it. The worst case scenario is they don’t follow you, but at the very least, they’re very likely going to see.
It’s going to at least start a conversation, whether it be in person or they’re going to come and visit your profile, all good things that are happening completely for free to you, and if you do so in a target in a strategic way. Like we mentioned the beginners article and also do it in a way that’s not spanning. It’s all good things for your business. So it’s well worth doing
But remember, don’t go crazy with actions because you do not want to get hit with an action block, so do this thoughtfully, strategically and an inorganic and real way, and it will do way more for you, be patient, take take the long term approach here and build solid relationships.
They’re going to be far more likely to follow you, and they’re going to be far more likely to stick around and buy from you as well. But the main appears just don’t be afraid to start the conversation. Well, that’s in the comments section of someone that you’ve deemed to be leaving a genuine and thoughtful comment there or even in people’s Dm, too, don’t be afraid to start the conversation.
Obviously, not everyone will be receptive to it, but you will be surprised how many people actually are and how many customers you can build, this way through being genuine and authentic and putting yourself out there, so make this part of your consistent routine, much like posting contact consistently. Spend some time actually outreaching to your potential customers and do so in a strategic way you’re going to get so much from it.
Especially when you do it authentically, that project that IT is in the beginning is coming up very soon, but there is one thing I want to mention before him, and as the opportunity to leverage boosted or campaigns or ads on instagram through your instagram account as well through Facebook as manager.
This is something that you can definitely do to target people on a very specific level area as well as based on their interests, and it’s something that you can do. And we will have future tutorials coming out very soon on how to run effective instagram campaigns, but for this article, we’re focusing on specifically organic three strategies to implement, but if you are looking to run paid ads.
Still a very powerful tool, so be sure to subscribe to the channel, so you don’t miss that future tutorial coming out in the next few weeks. Now that project that you’ve been, this is the use of the close friends story feature on instagram, so naturally, I’m very confident you know what an instagram story is, but an instagram recently in the past year or two, maybe a little bit longer release a feature called close friends.
So you can add a selective group of people to your close friends story, and as a business, this is a great opportunity to provide some loyalty incentives, so you can have private access to stories through people that asked to be a part of it, and because it’s more exclusive. Any sort of promotion or opportunity that you give to these people, they’re going to feel far more connected to you because they feel like they’re part of an exclusive group.
So this is a great way to incentivize and reward your loyal users of instagram and your followers and your customers to give them access to this close friends group, it can be something that you give away for free. It gives something that you give away through incentives or raffles or whatever, but it’s a great way to get very creative and create more of an exclusive community within your larger community of instagram, so these are going to be your premier people that really care about you that really care about your product.
Your service your and give them an opportunity to be rewarded. It’s integrated tunnel loyalty and connection to your instagram page mean they’re far more likely to engage lawyer content, and also to come and buy from you because they feel like they’re appreciated through being part of this exclusive group. So definitely take the time to be strategic with your close friends and use that as a tool to really deepen relationships because at the end of the day. I know instagram seems like this very faceless thing, but the more you make it human and more personal.
The more success you’re going to get from it, especially as a local business, and we feel the close friends group and the opportunity that provides is one of the most left on tools you can be using as an instagram business owner to get a ton more benefit and to build some real loyal customers. So all these tips will help you grow your account completely for free and organic.
If you do want more tips like this, be sure to let us know by smashing the light button and also commenting down below, saying you do want more and also the next articles in this series, like a tease earlier, we’ll be all about running paid ads on instagram to help sell as well as attract more followers.
So if you’re looking to see that you don’t want to miss it, I promise you be sure to click the subscribe button and hit the bell Button, so you notify when it does come out, it’ll be out in the next few weeks, and it will help you run campaigns far more effectively to get far more from it and save a ton of money in terms of doing things the right way to. Get actually return on your investment, which a lot of people don’t do, so you’re going to wanna see that tutorial and be sure to reread this article.
If anything was confusing, so you can put a consistent strategy together for your account to get growing organically. And then later, when the page video comes out through paid ads as well, if you want to do that, don’t forget to follow me. I want to help you market your business better online, and we released free content every single week to help you do that, so be sure to follow me, and if you feel like you have a good grasp on this whole instagram article and you want to try out other social media platforms, let me know in the comments. Please also share to friends and love once. HAPPY XMAS
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