Some key officers of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) at the Greater Accra Regional Office have been directed by their superior to refund monies to the regional accounts office of the association.
About seven officers have been charged to refund a subtotal amount of GHC 28,157. 00 out of the grand total of GHC 90,094.75 to the Greater Accra GNAT office account.
In the leaked document circulating on social media and sighted by Bricy Boateng, one of these officers had spent the money on fuel for personal use, paid money to some unknown agents among others amounting to GHC 23,761.
This is after the senior officers of the union requested the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Trustee, Secretary, Account Officer, Treasurer at the GNAT Regional Office in Accra to refund from them after the committee of inquiry released their report. Part of the document reads:
“Based on the Findings and Recommendations of the Committee of Inquiry, the Principal Officers hereby direct, that an amount of GHC 90,094.75 should be refunded to the Greater Accra Regional GNAT.” Read the details of the document below.
Teacher unions have come under attack in recent times by some members of the association because they feel their leaders are not serving their interests, which is their core mandate as the mouthpiece of the Ghanaian teacher.
Many teachers are blaming the three major unions for doing so little when it comes to fighting for teachers’ interests. Left to some teachers, every teacher union should be dissolved and a new created.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Education, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum speaking on Peace FM thinks that the leaders of these unions are very outspoken and passionate whenever he holds meetings with them at the ministry. According to the Minister, the union leaders always want the best for their members.
Content created and supplied by: BricyBoateng (via Opera
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