All Teachers Alliance Ghana (ATAG) Storm Colleges of Education


All Teachers Alliance Ghana has deployed it’s executives to the Colleges of Education in the country to propagate their message to the student-teachers and brief them the need to join All Teachers Alliance Ghana, the welfare of teachers is the sole mandate of All Teachers Alliance Ghana.

The union has indicated that, it is the responsibility of the union to ensure the welfare and the general well-being of it’s members, the all teachers alliance union is against the compulsory sale of laptops to teachers, according to the union, it is the responsibility of the employer to provide requisite tools and equipment for the employee to work with, under no circumstances, the government will require the security services to pay thirty percent cost of gun to enforce law and order in the country.

Why should teachers be required to pay part of tools that are needed for them to play their roles as teachers in the classrooms, the provision of laptops to teachers should be the responsibility of the government, not cost sharing among the government and teachers. Currently there are no textbooks in the basic schools, teachers in the basic schools have to buy their own reference materials to enable them instruct the topics in the new curriculum.

The All Teachers Alliance Ghana has indicated that, it is committed to ensure the welfare and better condition of service for teachers in the country, the union will provide legal support to it’s members whenever they are in need, legal service is quite expensive for members to afford, the union has taken it into consideration to provide all members legal support with their legal team.

The student-teachers have welcomed, the new born union and urged them to go by their words. None of the teacher unions have been the mouthpiece for the teacher trainees, the student-teachers will soon be teachers and members of these teacher unions. The All Teachers Alliance Ghana has taken the student-teachers through how to change association on the Controller and Accountant General Department electronic payroll.

Content created and supplied by: Nedved (via Opera
News )

All Teachers Alliance Ghana
Storm Colleges of Education


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