The fact that a man does not have a job or that he is not lucky enough to find one does not prevent him from finding love. While some women always say they can’t date broke men, others don’t care if the man is broke. But you can’t enter into the latter kind of relationship on the basis of less convincing beliefs. Surely not. You have to be pretty sure that this is what you want and that you are ready for whatever comes out of this relationship.
You also need to be reasonably sure of the type of man you are going to date. Frankly, while it’s admirable that you don’t care about his financial situation right now, you still need to be sure of his will and desire not to be broke for too long. What is his attitude towards his finances? If you fall in love with a broke guy, here are some things you should be prepared to put up with:
There will be drawbacks
There will be some downsides in this relationship, especially if your previous relationship was with a wealthy man. You will have to make sacrifices. Do you know those things your ex boyfriend did because he could afford it? You know those awesome and cute gifts that your friends get from their boyfriends and post on Instagram, sorry this new guy won’t be able to give you that luxury. As people post their boyfriends on social media, you might not be able to do so for a while as you would like to stay away from questions and pressures.
It could end in disaster
Just because you are with a man when he has nothing does not guarantee that your love will be eternal. It’s sad and cruel but that’s how it is. You can run the whole supportive girlfriends program, you can be loyal and faithful and pray and you can even give him your ATM card and he’ll let you down when he starts making money on his own. Just hope this doesn’t happen to you.
You will spend for him
The situation you find yourself in will force you to spend on it. You would have to share part of your salary with him while he is still waiting to find his feet.
You will be under pressure
It takes a lot of courage to date a broke man, especially the pressure that comes from family and friends. Close relatives and friends will question your decision to do this, and if your position is not strong enough, you might hesitate
Content created and supplied by: CyraxPen (via Opera
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