[Opinion]: Reasons Why President Nana Akufo-Addo Is The Best President In Ghana.


Over the years, many Ghanaians could not differentiate between the President with much more efficiency, but today, working on all the works of the various Presidents of Ghana, I have come out with a valid deduction that, Nana Akufo-Addo has taken the first place.

Someone would like to ask, what are some of the things that president akufo-addo did which you are using to classify him or rank him as the best president in Ghana over the years? To start with, the following are some of the works which president Akufo-Addo did in Ghana which qualified him as the best president so far.

1. Promising and bringing up free SHS: we all know that education is one of the most expensive asserts one can ever spend money on. Because, it involves the training of human resources and due to these many parents could not get money to send their wards to schools. But everything became easier after President Nana Akufo-Addo has made Senior High School education free for the whole years of studies.

2. His addresses to the nation during this Covid-19 pandemic is something which one cannot go without a “thank you”: Ever since Covid-19 has taken over our land, his Excellency President Nana Akufo-Addo has always been there to always educate every citizen on how to carry their life activities daily to prevent attraction of the deadly virus. It all went well since all activities of the citizens were governed by rules he set up which when found broken, you will either be made to pay an amount or be sent to court.

3. The only question I have for my readers is the sea defence which is ongoing at Keta in the Volta Region, who is the mastermind behind it?

For all those politicians and those who are much into politics and know much more of what Nana Akufo-Addo did, I would also like you to leave a comment below by being sincere to everyone and even yourself since I cannot mention them all. Don’t forget to share this article and also click on the follow button for more updates.

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Nana Akufo-Addo


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