Murang’a: Bus Full of Passengers Overturns on the Kenol-Murang’a Highway


Accidents on the Kenyan highways have been the norm on the roads with the National Safety and Transport Authority urging Kenyans to abstain from speed and unnecessary overtaking.

Picture courtesy. Image used for illustration.

Over the December holidays, more than a hundred people have lost their lives on the road in accidents that could have been avoided if proper caution and care was taken to prevent such.

This morning, we have learnt of a deadly accident that occured on the Kenol-Murang’a Highway last night.

A bus full of passengers overturned on the Kenol-Murang’a Highway after it avoided a head on collision with a matatu.

The bus had about 68 people on board while another small car that was behind the matatu also overturned.

No one died in the accident as all the injured were quickly rushed to the hospital for treatment in Murang’a South Sub County.

Murang’a South Police boss Alexander Shikondi, “As he tried to avoid head-on collision, he swerved and skidded off the road and the bus overturned, landing in a ditch. It was going uphill and its speed was less than 60 kilometres per hour. By the time it overturned, it was nearly stationery. The driver was trying to park it off the road but it skidded.”

A survivor from the accident had this to say about it, “My hold on the seat got jerked off and I fell on a heap of other passengers, we were all screaming.”


Content created and supplied by: Sonofbatman (via Opera
News )

Alexander Shikondi
South Police


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