In 2022, we need more conscious youth. Time for Ghana youth to rise for the country.


As a youth living in Ghana, are proud and comfortable with your situation? If you are ok, do you like what you see around regarding the life of the youth, especially young Ghanaian graduates?

There are some reflections this writer would like you to have going into 2022. 

No matter your status as a youth, the consensus we have agreed to is that, unemployment is massively killing the potentials of the young generation. The supposed future leaders are losing their grip. 

The problem is that, the old men and women, who have had the better part of this country since its birth are still at post. What happens is the small pace and gradual, insignificant replacement through death and retirements. Even this is done on nepotistic bases. 

We need a paradigm change. A change that would see a mass washing away of the these old order, relegated to the bench to serve only academic advice and share experiences. The youth must take over the decision-making engine of this country. Revolution? Not really. Positive defiance, perhaps. 

This is not a call to take arms. This is a call to wake up and be counted. Let us get involve through deliberate participation. Let support each other by presenting or putting forward our mates to key position of authority. We have the numbers to do so. 

We have been confined to the corners of pleasures and fun making activities. Social media is eating away our sense of responsibility, while the old is feeding on our future on their way to the graves. The best they do is to create a brighter future for their next generation, who, unfortunately, have inherited the greedy DNA of their unpatriotic forebearers. 

Let us wake up from our slumber. We are many, they are few. They have used us to get to where they are. We do not only vote for them to perpetuate these injustices, but we fight for them, kill for them, and protect them at the expense of our lives. 

2022, let us begin to reason. Let us position ourselves as the true future leaders by not helping these politicians use us to remains at the top. 

Let’s leverage on our strength and numbers to have our fair share of the national cake. 

Arise Ghana youth for your country. The nation demands your devotion.

Content created and supplied by: Rasgambo1 (via Opera
News )



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