Young Man Flogged In Public After He Was Caught Buying iPhone With Counterfeit At Circle [Video]


A video trending available to AfricaWish shows the moments a young man who was trying to buy an iPhone with counterfeit money at Circle being flogged by area boys.

According to the report, the young man whose name was not giving in attempt trying to purchase the iPhone with counterfeit money at circle.

The shop keeper who notice his acting alert nearby shop owners after the buyer try to blame him over changing his real money to their fake ones.

They then rushed to the sense and start to question him but denied the allegation and end up being flogged in public.

In the video seen, a background voice in Ga saying, beat him well and let it go inside him.

The Video share Caption Reads;… ” “WHO FRAUDS THE FRAUDSTER? Guy receives flogging after he was caught in an attempt to purchase an iPhone with counterfeit money in circle.…”

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